Aufsätze Ökonomik

Aufsätze Pädagogik

Aufsätze Sozialethik


Prof. Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec.

Abhandlungen über Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling

Nachtodliche Belehrungen zur Ökonomik

Nachtodliche Belehrungen zu Persönlichkeiten

Nachtodliche Belehrungen zur Philosophie

Nachtodliche Belehrungen zur Theologie

Nachtodliche Belehrungen zu verschiedenen Themen


Demand-side financing

Measure with the aim of providing primarily government services, but also certain operational services, as economically as possible (economical: performance-to-cost ratio) by allowing the “best host” to benefit. In pursuit of this aim, a subsidy or grant is not directed at the
Service provider, such as: University canteen, staff restaurant (staff restaurant; Kantine; canteen). Rather, the recipient of the service is the student, the staff (demand-side financing means to channel public funds for public and/or private uses to the demanders and not to those who supply it). – In this way, – the freedom of choice of the demanders is ensured in the best possible way, – their decision-making power is increased, – competition arises between the service providers – in the example: different restaurants – which – lowers the price for the service and – improves its quality without having to spend more payments. – See Elterngeld, Erziehungsgeld, Kindergeld, Markt, vollkommener, MofaGeld, Preis.

Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and may only be used for private purposes without express consent!
University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec.
Professor Dr. Eckehard Krah, Dipl.rer.pol.
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