Aufsätze Ökonomik

Aufsätze Pädagogik

Aufsätze Sozialethik


Prof. Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec.

Abhandlungen über Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling

Nachtodliche Belehrungen zur Ökonomik

Nachtodliche Belehrungen zu Persönlichkeiten

Nachtodliche Belehrungen zur Philosophie

Nachtodliche Belehrungen zur Theologie

Nachtodliche Belehrungen zu verschiedenen Themen


eLolly (also in German; in English lolly = colloquially money, “gravel”)

Internet portal with the purpose, similar to the Internet auction house eBay, of bringing together lenders and borrowers of loans via its website. Private lenders and borrowers must first become members and enter their personal data. They then specify their ideas regarding the interest rate and term as well as any collateral offered. By matching data, eLolly promises to find one or more partners with matching profiles and bring the members together. – Because eLolly merely establishes contacts and does not engage in credit brokering, the business is generally not subject to the permission of the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). On May 14, 2007, the authority published a fact sheet entitled “Hinweise zur Erlaubnispflicht der Betreiber und Nutzer einer internetbasierten Kreditvermittlungsplattform nach dem KWG,” which sets limits within which a social lending platform may operate. – See crowdfunding, investment club, credit union, credit intermediation platform, peer-to-peer lending, social lending platform. – Cf. BaFin Annual Report 2007, p. 208 f. (no permission requirement for such transactions).

Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and may only be used for private purposes without express consent!
University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec.
Professor Dr. Eckehard Krah, Dipl.rer.pol.
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