Call money (table benefits)
Older term for deposits held at call with a bank, cf. these reported in the annex “Euro area statistics”, heading “Financial and non-financial accounts”, subheading “Major claims of the non-financial sectors” in the respective ECB Monthly Bulletin. – Former compulsory levy for the catering of foreign soldiers. – Amount collected on certain occasions – such as parties, balls, banquets, anniversaries and funerals – for the benefit of the needy. – Formerly a subsistence payment to officers relieved from duty and – still today – to suspended clergy temporarily or permanently relieved of their professional duties. – A former levy in cash to the upper ecclesiastical authority (diocese) on the part of a pluralist (pluralist), namely a clergyman who received income from more than one salaried employment (Pfründe; prepend) (clergyman of two or more benefices at one time), also called absentee money. – See Annaten, Quartiergeld, Quasgeld, Sparmahlzeiten.
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University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec.
Professor Dr. Eckehard Krah, Dipl.rer.pol.
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